After hearing rumors of a mysterious popper known as "The Legendary Magician", Mimi and Nyami are tasked by MZD to gather information to summon them. To do this, they'll need to organize parties.

The Party Mode! Portable 2's alternative of PARTY's main unlock event and the whole reason I made this site!
It has 6 areas, each of them having different characters, encounters, items and parties to activate. Parties are what makes you advance through the game! They play like a NET Taisen match, you'll have to get at least in 2nd place to win.
By the way... I won't be translating things like the short dialogues explaining mechanics (i.e. the teleport tiles) because they aren't that really important... But enough explaining, let's get this party started!

☆ Select an area to see its party list! ☆

Note: "Activate a party" means talking to a specific character that will ask you to host their respective party, think of it as something like a quest.
(that's not an official terminology btw i made it up)

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