After Mimi and Nyami move in, MZD comes to give them a visit.
This is the introduction to the Party Mode and therefore it does not have any unlockables.
English | ||
Phew~. We finally arrived~. | ふ〜。 やっと着いたね~。 | |
This is our new room now! | ここが新しい私たちのお部屋なんだ! |
(Mimi and Nyami look around their room.)
Woah~, it's so beautiful. I love it! | わ~、きれいなお部屋だね。 私、気に入っちゃった! |
It's got plenty of space, perfect for throwing a party. | 広さもじゅうぶんだし、 パーティを開くにはもってこいだよ。 |
You're right! But it looks a little bleak right now. | だねっ! 今はちょっと殺風景だけど。 |
We'll work on the decoration from now on. | それはこれから飾っていこうよ。 | |
I'd love to have a cute room~. | 私はかわいらしいお部屋にしたいな~。 | |
I want pink wallpaper... And maybe some flowers and... | ピンクの壁紙にして... お花とかも飾りたいし... |
I'd like to have a stuffed animal or something. | ぬいぐるみとかもほしいよね。 | |
Yeah, I'm getting excited! | うんっ。 なんだかワクワクしてきちゃったっ! |
(MZD enters on screen.)
Yo~, you two! | よ~っす! お二人さん。 | |
Huh?~ It's MZD. | あれ~? MZDだっ。 | |
Long time no see!~ What happened today? | 久しぶり~! 今日はどうしたの? |
I heard you guys moved in, so I came to see how you were doin'. | 引越したって聞いて、 様子を見に来たってわけさ。 |
You're so well informed, just as a god should be! | さすが神! 情報通だなぁ。 |
MZD is our first guest! | MZDが最初のお客様だね! | |
Ahem. Welcome! | こほんっ。 ようこそ、いらっしゃいませ! |
Well then.... Sorry if I bother you. Hmmm… Nice room you got here. | じゃ改めて・・・おじゃましてまーす。 ふむふむ、いい部屋じゃん。 |
It has the perfect size. | 広さも手ごろだし、バッチリだな。 | |
Okay, I've decided! | よしっ決めた! | |
Hm? About what? | んっ? なにを? | |
We'll make the next pop'n party and this will be the venue! | 次のポップンパーティさ! ここを会場にする! |
HUH!? | え〜! | |
What do you mean!? | どういうこと!? | |
I haven't decided on a theme yet. | テーマはまだ決めてないんだけどな。 | |
Let's get everyone together again and have a good time! | またみんなを集めてワイワイやろうぜ! | |
Here!? does sound fun though. | ここで~? ・・・でも楽しそうだなぁ。 |
Hmm. As you'd expect from MZD… I guess I'll have to join, huh? | うーん。さすがMZD・・・。 これは乗るしかないかな? |
Right? There's no reason to worry. There you go! | だろだろ? 悩む理由なんかないぜ。 そらっ! |
(MZD appears along with his DJ booth on Mimi and Nyami's room.)
WAAAH! What the hell are you doing!? | わ~! なにすんのっ! |
Ah... Our room... | あ〜ん、 私たちのお部屋がぁ・・・ |
Speakin' of parties, you'll need a DJ booth! | パーティといえばDJブースがいるだろ! | |
I'm gonna give you guys a lotta instructions from here. | ここからガンガン おまえたちに指示を出してやるぜ。 |
Yeah, yeah. It's the usual nonsense. | はいはい。 いつものムチャ振りね。 |
Ugh... This pattern again... So what are you going to do now? | も~、またこのパターンか...。 それでこれからどうするの? |
First, you'll need to gather friends for the party. | まずはパーティのフレンド集めだな。 | |
Go say hello to everyone, as it's a movin' announcement. | 引越しのお知らせということで みんなにあいさつしてきてくれ。 |
Oh! But first... | おっと! その前に・・・ | |
Hm? What is it? | ? どうしたの? |
Do you remember how to play pop'n? | ポップンの遊び方は覚えてるか? | |
If you forget, check "The Toy Box". | もし忘れちまった時は、 『おもちゃ箱』を 調べてくれよな。 |
I've prepared a "tutorial" for you, so you don't have to worry about it! | 『チュートリアル』 を用意しておいたから、 遊び方を忘れても安心だぜ! |
Wow~, nice preparation. That's MZD, clever as always!~ | へぇ~、準備がいいね。 さすがMZD、気がきいてる~! |
Well, I must admit~, you're right, I am! | まあね~。さすが俺! | |
Okay! Now you're ready to go. | よ~し! これで準備OKだな。 |
Then, let's get moving! | それじゃ、さっそく外に出発だ! | |
When you want to go out, just head to the door right there! | お出かけ時は、そこのドアを調べるだけだぜ! | |
Understood. Alright, I'm off! | はーい。 それじゃ、いってきまーす! |
MZD, you'll be our doorman! Don't play any pranks on us! | MZD! おるすばんヨロシク! イタズラしちゃダメだからね! |
Oh, leave that to me. Good luck! | おう、その辺はまかせとけ。 がんばってこい! |