Mimi and Nyami organize a party to celebrate their new home with the help of MZD!
This party will unlock the songs NA NA NA ロケンロー・キング, Runnin' Away and Quick Master -Naked Trance Mix- along with their respective characters.
English | ||
You're both late! | ふたりとも、遅いぞ! | |
Ehehe, sorry!~ | えへへっ。ごめ〜ん! | |
Girls need a lot of time to get ready! | 女の子は準備が大変なのっ! | |
Huh? Our room has been redecorated! MZD, did you do this? | あれ? お部屋が模様替えされてる! MZDがやってくれたの? |
Oh. I used the “coordinating items” that you guys collected. | おう。 お前たちが集めてきた 『コーデアイテム』 を使ったんだぜ。 |
Woah... We'll have to work hard to collect coordinating items then! | へぇ~・・・それじゃあ頑張って コーデアイテムを集めないとね! |
Let's get started! | それじゃ始めるか! | |
Ladies and gentlemen! | レディース&ジェントルメン! | |
Thank you all for coming together!~ | 集まってくれてThankYou~! | |
Yeah! | ||
Today is Mimi and Nyami's house-warming party! | 今日はミミ&ニャミの 引っ越し祝いのパーティだ! |
Mimi and Nyami, please speak! | ミミ&ニャミ! スピーチプリーズ! |
What a surprise!~ Hey everybody!~ | え~いきなりだね! みんな~! こんにちは~! |
Let's keep having fun together! | これからも一緒に たのしくやろうね! |
*clap clap clap* | パチパチパチ | |
Now, today's party theme is... “Legends Party”. | さぁ~て、今日のパーティのテーマは... 『レジェンズパーティ』 |
We have invited the most legendary guests! | とびっきりの レジェンドゲストを招待しておいたゼ! |
King and Mary! | キング&マリィ! | |
Hey! How is everyone dooooing!? | Hey! みんな元気してたか~い! |
Thank you for inviting me!~ | 呼んでくれてサンキュ~! | |
These are two legendary poppers! | 伝説のポッパーの二人だ! | |
You might see a big dance battle between 'em! | 二人の熱いダンスバトルが 見られるかもしれないぜ! |
Please look forward to it! | 期待しててくれよ! | |
I won't lose! | まけないわよ! | |
Well then, enjoy yourself while you wait for the stage! | それじゃステージまでの間、 ゆっくり楽しんでくれ! |
Hi! | ||
Thanks for coming today!~ | 今日はきてくれてありがと~! | |
So Judy's first thought was King and Mary! | ジュディの心当たりって キングとマリィだったんだね! |
I feel like it's been a long time since we last saw each other. | なんだか久しぶりって感じだけど。 | |
They are my No. 1 poppers! | 私にとって No.1のポッパーたちだからネ! |
They are legends, indeed. I can't wait to see their dance battle! | たしかにレジェンドって感じ。 二人のダンス対決がたのしみだね! |
Judy is not to be outdone either. | ジュディだって負けてないよ。 | |
Is that so? Ehehehe… | そうかな? エヘへへ・・・ |
Shollkee! Welcome! | ショルキー!いらっしゃい! | |
Sorry, are you disappointed that I wasn't the guest you were looking for? | お目当てのゲストじゃなくて 残念だったかな? |
Nope! You are the best guest! | ううん! 最高のゲストだよ! |
After all, the rumored "Legendary Popper" should show up at the best party! | ウワサの『伝説のポッパー』は 最高のパーティで呼べばいいから! |
Maybe they'll come today! | もしかすると、今日来てくれるかもね! |
Heya!~ King! Mary! | ヤッホ〜! キング! マリィ! |
Thank you for coming today!~ | 今日はきてくれてありがと~! | |
Hi, girls! You are always full of energy! | Hi! ガールズ! いつも元気いっぱいだね! |
It's been a while. I'm glad to see you both are doing well. | ひさしぶりね。 二人とも元気そうで良かったわ。 |
Of course! My dancing has improved as well! | もちろん! ダンスもレベルアップしたんだから! |
Fufu, I'm excited to see it. | フフッ 楽しみにしてるわね。 | |
We can all dance together later! | あとで、みんなで一緒に踊ろうか! | |
It seems like everyone is gettin' hyped up. | いい感じに盛り上がってるな。 | |
MZD! | ||
Why didn't you call me about the move? I didn't know until Judy told me! | 引越しのことどうして連絡くれなかったの? ジュディに聞くまで知らなかったんだから! |
That's strange, I called you on Saturday night... | おっかしーなー 土曜日の夜に連絡入れたんだけど・・・ |
Eh!? Uuuhm… | えっ!? え~っと… |
T-that's right. I was taking a nap. I'm sure. | そ、そうそう。 お昼寝してたのよ。きっと。 | |
Taking a nap at night? | 夜なのにお昼寝 ? | |
Heeeey, MZD! | ハ~ィ!MZD。 | |
Yo! Thanks for inviting these two! | よお! 二人を連れてきてくれてサンキューな! |
As long as it's a pop'n party, everyone is always welcome! | ポップンパーティとあれば、 いつだって大歓迎! |
If it's for Mimi and Nyami's sake… then of course! | ミミちゃんとニャミちゃんのためとあれば ・・・ネッ! |
Thank you!~ | ありがとっ~! | |
You guys are more than welcome!~ | 大カンゲキだよ~! | |
Okaaaay, both of you. When you're done with your greetings, | さぁ~て、二人とも。 一通りあいさつが終わったら、 |
come see me. I'll be in the DJ booth. | オレのところに来いよ。 『DJブース』にいるから。 |
Understood!~ | は〜い! | |
Well, see you later, guys! | じゃ、また後でね、みんな! |
Oh, have you greeted everyone? | おう、もうあいさつはすんだのか? | |
Yes! | うん! | |
Then let's get to it! Everyone!~ Are you enjoyin' yourselves!? | それじゃ、始めるか! みんな~! 楽しんでるか~い! |
Yeah! | ||
WOW! | ||
Thank you!~ It's time for our annual pop'n time! | サンキュ~! ここらで恒例のポップンタイムだ! |
Anyone wants to dance with King and Mary?~ | キング&マリィと 一緒に踊りたいやつはいるか~? |
YEAAAAH! | はい! は〜い! | |
Ah! Me too! | あ~! わたしも! | |
How about you Shollkee? I haven't seen you dance in ages! | ショルキーもどう? 久しぶりにアナタのダンスが見たいわ! |
Well... let's dance then! | そうだな・・・踊ってみようか! | |
Okaaaay! We're set! | よ~し! 決まりだな! | |
All right, let's pop'n music! | それじゃ元気よく、 Let's pop'n music! |
YAAAAY!~ | イエ~イ! |
(After this party is cleared, NA NA NA ロケンロー・キング, Runnin' Away and Quick Master -Naked Trance Mix- will be now be playable along with their respective characters; The King, Mary and Shollkee)
Ahh, that was fun! | あ~楽しかったぁ! | |
Pop'n is definitely the best! | やっぱりポップンは最高だね! | |
You two have really improved! I didn't recognize you! | 二人とも腕を上げたわね! 見ちがえたわよ! |
Thank you!~ But we can't compete with you and King. | サンキュ~! でも、 マリィやキングにはぜんぜんかなわないよ。 |
Hahaha! We can't lose to the girls just yet. | ハッハッハ! まだまだガールズに 負けるわけにはいかないな。 |
Hmmm… But it's still a little frustrating. | う~ん、でもやっぱりちょっと悔しいな。 | |
If you don't forget that frustration, you'll surely be able to catch up with them someday. | その悔しい気持ちを忘れなければ、 いつかきっと二人に追いつけるさ。 |
I see... Okay! I'll have to practice harder! | そっか・・・よし! もっとガンバって練習しなきゃだね! |
That's the spirit! | その意気だ! | |
Ah, that's right! | そうだ! | |
How was the dance-off between King and Mary? | キングとマリィの ダンス対決はどうだったの? |
Fufufu… I'll be the judge of that! The winner is... | フフフ・・・それはオレが判定してやろう! 勝者は... |
*gulp* | ゴクリ | |
Mary!! | マリィだっ!! | |
Oh! | ||
Why!? | ||
W-why? | ど、どうして? | |
Fufufu… The truth is… | フフフ・・・実は | |
Mary's dance was so attractive I didn't pay much attention to King's dance! | マリィのダンスがセクシーすぎて キングのダンスをよく見てなかったのさ! |
Ugh… You're not reliable! Let Judy be the judge. | も~・・・ たよりになんない! ジュディが判定してよ。 |
It's a tie! You both did a perfect dance! | 引き分け! 二人ともパーフェクトなダンスだったよ! |
Mary, nice dance! | マリィ、Nice Dance! | |
I had a blast. | 楽しかったぜ。 | |
Fufu, I had fun too. | フフッ こちらこそ楽しかったわ。 |
Let's dance together again sometime! | またいっしょに踊りましょ! | |
Shollkee's dance was very cool too! | ショルキーのダンスも とってもカッコよかったよ! |
Thank you. You were great too. | ありがとう。 ジュディもよかったよ。 |
It was a great party! Thanks everyone! | 最高の盛り上がりだったゼ! みんなサンキューな! |
Ah, but… The Legendary Popper never showed up. | あ、でも・・・ 伝説のポッパーは現れなかったね。 |
Legendary popper? | 伝説のポッパー? | |
You see, the legendary popper is... | あのね、 伝説のポッパーっていうのは... | |
Oh… Mary… Perhaps… | Oh… マリィ・・・もしかして・・・ |
Yes, it must be them. | ウン、きっと彼のことね。 | |
Eh!~ Do you both know something!? | え〜! 二人とも何か知ってるの!? |
We've only heard rumors though... | 私たちもウワサで聞いただけなんだけど・・・ | |
It's said that there is a popper who is known as "The Legendary Magician". | 『伝説のマジシャン』 と 呼ばれるポッパーがいるそうよ。 |
Apparently, they show up at parties, perform amazing magic tricks, and leave. | パーティに現れて、スゴいマジックを 披露して去っていくらしい。 |
How can we get them to come? | どうしたら来てくれるの? | |
Hmmm… Unfortunately, I don't know that much. | う~ん・・・ 残念ながらそこまではわからないな。 |
The best party… It seems that there is no doubt about it. | 最高のパーティ ...っていうのは間違いないみたいだけど。 |
I see… | そっか… | |
Anyway, Mimi and Nyami need to level up, | とにかく、 ミミとニャミはもっとレベルアップして、 |
then they can start throwin' more awesome parties! | もっとスゴいパーティを 開くようにならないとな! |
That's right. Let's keep doing our best! | だよね。 これからもガンバっていこっ! |
Yeah!~ | お~! |
(Mimi and Nyami's pop'n level has now increased to 2!)